2,854 research outputs found

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Stem cells and fluid flow drive cyst formation in an invertebrate excretory organ.

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    Cystic kidney diseases (CKDs) affect millions of people worldwide. The defining pathological features are fluid-filled cysts developing from nephric tubules due to defective flow sensing, cell proliferation and differentiation. The underlying molecular mechanisms, however, remain poorly understood, and the derived excretory systems of established invertebrate models (Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster) are unsuitable to model CKDs. Systematic structure/function comparisons revealed that the combination of ultrafiltration and flow-associated filtrate modification that is central to CKD etiology is remarkably conserved between the planarian excretory system and the vertebrate nephron. Consistently, both RNA-mediated genetic interference (RNAi) of planarian orthologues of human CKD genes and inhibition of tubule flow led to tubular cystogenesis that share many features with vertebrate CKDs, suggesting deep mechanistic conservation. Our results demonstrate a common evolutionary origin of animal excretory systems and establish planarians as a novel and experimentally accessible invertebrate model for the study of human kidney pathologies

    Cuerpo y disciplina, orden y poder: Del Instructor Popular a los Tribunales Infantiles

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    A fines del siglo XIX, en la República Argentina, el periódico mendocino El Instructor Popular publica el intercambio epistolar entre dos graduados de la Escuela Normal de Paraná: Carlos Norberto Vergara y Ernesto A.Bavio. Reprender, reformar y corregir el error, las faltas y la ignorancia, fueron las justificaciones para hacer uso de punteros y palmetas e incorporar la pena, el dolor y la culpa como correctivos, en las instituciones educativas de "la letra con la sangre entra" en manos de "maestros normales que quieren gobernar con el lático". El espistolario visibiliza y reprueba ciertas prácticas que tuvieron al cuerpo infantil como territorio de anclaje para la institucionalización educativa. Puntear esa conjetura nos permite trazar continuidades y discontinuidades entre los "principios de la disciplina" y "los castigos corporales" como antecedentes para los "tribunales infantiles", implementados en la Escuela Quintana de la Provincia de Mendoza, por Florencia Fossatti, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX.Fil: Alvarado, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Análisis de una propuesta de evaluación en relación con la estructura conceptual de la proporcionalidad

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    La presente propuesta es una aproximación reflexiva y critica de las prácticas evaluativas que se vienen desarrollando en la enseñanza básica y media en las instituciones de carácter privado de la ciudad de Cali, sustentada desde nuestra propia experiencia como docentes en ejercicio y estudiantes de último semestre en Licenciatura de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad del Valle, y apoyada en el análisis de unas actividades piloto de intervención y evaluación matemática, en torno a diferentes nociones y conceptos relacionados con la estructura conceptual del tópico de proporción y proporcionalidad en los grados de séptimo de educación básica y décimo de educación media que se realizaron a fin de plantear una serie de interrogantes cruciales en torno a la evaluación, dado su carácter organizador, dinamizador y potencializador del currículo. Esta propuesta se apoyará en el marco metodológico de los organizadores del currículo, donde la evaluación es un eje fundamental en el análisis didáctico que permite la articulación y organización de un currículo significativo para los intereses de los educandos

    Techniques and challenges in the assimilation of atmospheric water observations for numerical weather prediction towards convective scales

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    While contemporary Numerical Weather Prediction models represent the large-scale structure of moist atmospheric processes reasonably well, they often struggle to maintain accurate forecasts of small-scale features such as convective rainfall. Even though high-resolution models resolve more of the flow, and are therefore arguably more accurate, moist convective flow becomes increasingly nonlinear and dynamically unstable. Importantly, the models’ initial conditions are typically sub-optimal, leaving scope to improve the accuracy of forecasts with improved data assimilation. To address issues regarding the use of atmospheric water-related observations – especially at convective scales (also known as storm scales) – this paper discusses the observation and assimilation of water- related quantities. Special emphasis is placed on background error statistics for variational and hybrid methods which need special attention for water variables. The challenges of convective-scale data assimilation of atmospheric water information are discussed, which are more difficult to tackle than at larger scales. Some of the most important challenges include the greater degree of inhomogeneity and lower degree of smoothness of the flow, the high volume of water-related observations (e.g. from radar, microwave, and infrared instruments), the need to analyse a range of hydrometeors, the increasing importance of position errors in forecasts, the greater sophistication of forward models to allow use of indirect observations (e.g. cloud and precipitation affected observations), the need to account for the flow-dependent multivariate ‘balance’ between atmospheric water and both dynamical and mass fields, and the inherent non-Gaussian nature of atmospheric water variables
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